My CAPS Experience
​Hello, my name is Gordon Maxey and welcome to my online portfolio website from my professional semester at CAPS.
I am graduating from Pittsburg State University with a Degree in Technology Education and a Minor in Graphic Design. I could not have been more fortunate to be placed at the Blue Valley Center for Advanced Professional Studies in Interactive Design for my professional semester. Here I am learning how to take my knowledge of the graphic arts and teach it in new innovative ways to the next generation of designers. ​
Thank you for visiting my portfolio website. Please take a look at the "Interactive Design" tab to get a better understanding of how the class works and the "My Work" tab to see my contributions to the class this semester. ​
The Center for Advanced Professional Studies (CAPS) is focused on new and innovative ways to prepare students for the real world. Here we believe "innovation is what will grow our economy and ensure that every family prospers in an increasingly competitive global market. Blue Valley's Center for Advanced Professional Studies (CAPS) inspires students to succeed in the critical areas of Bioscience, Business, Engineering and Human Services.​